Today the PPVs - Project Planning Visits begin - those in Nicaragua head off after lunch today and Costa Rican based PMs leave tomorrow morning. I was scheduled for the new and unnamed Costa Rican trek PPV starting tomorrow morning. I am, right at the start of Phase 1 (16 October), going to be doing that exact part of the trek with the PMs and venturers, so I am pulling out of the PPV to give my (very sore) knees and back a chance to recover. I am hoping to go along on a different PPV if possible, otherwise I will take it easy here and do whatever needs doing and perhaps some radio training.
So.. my schedule will be as follows:
- Today through until Thursday I will be at field base (Will update if I am off on a PPV)
- After that I am a bit fuzzy until the 16th. I will be around a bit, but the venturers arrive on the 10th and there are more jungle camps and other bits that need doing.
- October 16th I am out on trek and I am back on the 20th until the 24th
- On the 25th I'm road tripping around Costa Rica and I'm back on the 2nd of November at some point for probably 6-8 days until Phase 2 starts.
After that I have no idea!
Group photo! (Click for larger)